National Transgender Health Summit
*download flyer here
Please save April 8th and 9th, 2011 in San Francisco, for two exciting days of scientific presentations focused on best practices in the provision of health care for transgender patients.
We invite health care providers and health profession students interested in improving health care for transgender people to attend this groundbreaking Summit, which will include plenary sessions by world-renowned experts in the field of transgender health care, as well as workshops, films, and networking opportunities.
Food and drink will be provided. A limited number of scholarships are available for health professionals.
Space is limited, so please RSVP at transhealthsummit@ucsf.eduAbstract
Submission Please submit a description of the content and format of the workshop you would like to present (250 words maximum), including title, presenter names and contact information, and a brief bio of each presenter (100 words maximum for each presenter) that describes their professional education and experience providing health care to transgender patients.
We welcome presentations from diverse health care disciplines.
Workshops will be organized into tracks based on the content of the abstracts accepted.
Workshop tracks/themes may include:
- Clinical care (e.g. surgical and hormonal care, and post-operative care)
- Mental health care (e.g. care in the age of the Gender Identity Disorder diagnosis, quality of life issues, PTSD and suicidality among transgender people)
- Care in practice (e.g. case studies, problem-based learning)
- Specific populations (e.g. youth, elders, people of color)
- Specific medical issues (e.g. HIV care and treatment, street hormones and silicone use, substance abuse treatment, sexual health promotion)
The due date for abstract submissions is January 31, 2011
For additional information, including scholarship applications, please contact us at or visit our website at
About the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health:
The mission of the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (CoE) is to increase access to comprehensive, effective, and affirming healthcare services for trans and gender-variant communities.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: call for abstracts, conference, health